O Arglwydd, pa'm y rhed fy mryd, Ar wag bleserau sy'n y byd? Tu hwnt i'r bedd, mewn gwledydd pell, Mae imi olud can-mil gwell. Rho imi wel'd mai ti yw'm hedd, A llwyr ddifyru ar dy wedd; A chym'ryd d'eiriau gwerthfawr, drud, Yn unig bleser yn y byd. Gad imi gael dy Ysbryd pur Yn gyfaill yn yr anial dir, Fel byddo dy holl gyfraith lym Yn felus ac yn hyfryd im'. Pan weli fi yn crymu 'mhen, At ryw wrthddrychau īs y nen; O dangos im' na thāl yr un, I'w garu byth ond ti dy hun. Na fydded i'r llifeiriant mawr I soddi'm henaid gwan i lawr; Ac na chaed cystudd byth fy nhrin, Heb dy gyfeillach di dy hun.William Williams 1717-91 [Mesur: MH 8888]
gwelir: |
O Lord, why does my mind run, After the empty pleasures that are in the world? Beyond the grave, in distant lands, There is wealth for me a hundred thousand times better. Grant me to see that thou art my peace, And be completely comforted by thy countenance; And take thy precious, costly words, As the only pleasure in the world. Let me get thy pure Spirit As a friend in the desert land, That all thy strict law be Sweet and delightful to me. When thou seest me bowing my head, To some objects beneath the sky; O show me that not one of ever Pays to be loved but thee thyself. May the great stream not Sink my weak soul down; And may no tribulation ever treat me, Without thy own friendship.tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion |
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